Downloadable File Types

Each of the exercises (except the Introduction section) includes a set of downloadable files for a single part to be modeled. It is not necessary to view all of these files to create each part, but the various files provide different options for viewing the part details.

The first file is a traditional 2-D drawing of the part in pdf format. This file can be viewed within the lesson or downloaded. It provides everything needed to correctly model the part. This file can be viewed with any pdf viewer, but Adobe Acrobat (free or paid versions) is recommended.

The second file is a 3-D pdf file showing the part. This file does not include dimensions, but it provides an accurate 3-D representation of the part that can be viewed from any direction, displayed in different styles, rotated, and sectioned to exam the interior. Unlike common 2-D pdf files, 3-D pdf files require a pdf viewer that supports the 3-D format. Adobe Acrobat (free or paid versions) works well for 3-D pdfs. Note that Adobe Acrobat running within a browser may not display the 3-D content properly.

The third file is a zip file containing an eDrawing created from the SolidWorks drawing of the part. Any zip tool can be used to uncompress this file. This eDrawing provides all of the content of the 2-D drawing plus the ability to examine a 3-D model of the part in the context of the drawing. If you have SolidWorks installed, you should also have the eDrawings viewer installed. If you need to install or update the eDrawings viewer to the current version, it is available free of charge at:

The fourth file is a jpeg version of the 2-D drawing. This is the same content as the 2-D pdf drawing, but provided in an alternate format for anyone that has trouble with pdf files.

For multiple sheet 2-D drawings, there will be additional jpeg files for each sheet of the drawing.

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